These days there are many things which have changed in our lives. We have to get used to this new routine we are experiencing. However, sometimes it is hard to change your lifestyle. Because of this, we are bringing you different ideas to spend your time and not waste a minute!
First of all, in Spain lessons have been called off, but the academic year is still going on. Do not take this break as holidays; keep on going with your courses. There are some lecturers who are sending online tasks or creating online lessons. If this is not your situation, try to catch up with the syllabus and the class notes. You know you have some of them a bit abandoned. Push a little your thesis too, they will be waiting for you when you come back to reality.
You can also help your neighbours. There are elderly people who may have difficulties in order to go grocery shopping or to the chemist’s. Some of them would be grateful if you offer yourself to help them. It is as easy as leaving a sign telling everyone you are willing to help and which is your flat. You can help others and maybe even meet better with your neighbours. Oh… and if you do not speak Spanish as well as you would like, you can improve your skills too.
As your daily life has changed, you can no longer go out and walk along the city, walk to the university or anything at all. Remember to do some exercise at home, because even the smallest effort will make a change. There are many online exercise lessons you can follow. Look for the training or the sport you prefer to do at home. You have the chance to even discover new activities you didn’t know before. Just a suggestion, have you ever practiced yoga? Now it’s the best moment to do it!
As the Latin quote says “mens sana in corpore sano” (a healthy mind in a healthy body). These five words mean that you have to train your brain as much as you train your body. Do you remember that book you have been waiting to read for a long time now? Or that one which seemed a bit boring? Let’s give them a chance. By reading, you can travel to different places and live different lives. Reading can broaden your mind as much as traveling. There are many different genres, so we’re sure there’s one for you.
You can’t find a book you’re interested in? Try to begin with books that inspired scripts for your favorite movies and TV shows. Many screenwriters take their ideas from novels or plays. If you already know a story, by reading the original one you may love it even more, or get to know new things about them. You can also do it backwards. Read a novel, and then watch the adaptation. That way, you can find out if they did a good job or not.
Talking about TV shows and movies, catch up with the latest episodes or seasons from that show you left behind some time ago. Another idea is to start a brand new one, ask your friends for some recommendations, you never know if an amazing new story is waiting for you.
But please, do not talk with your friends only for that. Keep in touch with video calls as much as possible. You can speak to them, see how everyone is going on these days, even play some games even if you are not together. You can also attend an online concert by your favorite artists with them.
Luckily, we are in a time when online material is accessible for everyone. Listen to some new music, read about an interesting topic for you, watch some of the best classic movies online… There are many options. There are some museums that have opened free visits to their galleries on their websites. Most of them also explain the pieces to you. This is the perfect chance to fill you up with culture.
Staying close with your family and friends is important, but spend your free time trying to get to know some new things, developing different skills such as dancing or cooking… There are many options, and we will be glad to be with you and to follow them on social media with you.
After reading this, will you be bored at home?